Monday, January 30, 2012

Fun Ideas!

Do you have any great ideas for Valentines Day this year? If so, please post them here!  If not, here are some basic ideas that might get you thinking:

1. Take a hike (if weather permits) and take your camera.  If you and your sweetheart enjoy games try doing an A-Z scavenger is SUPER hard.  You will find yourself making stuff up and being goofy together.

2. Create a map (kind of like a treasure map) that leads your partner to your desired destination (could even just be the bedroom).  Have something out of the ordinary set up.  The obvious would be candles and maybe rose pedals, but try to be more creative...think twinkle lights,  perhaps glow in the dark stars, silk trees (if they are available), maybe a table or blanket on the floor that is set up with dinner or desert.  Even if it has just been cleaned or rearranged it will be more exciting for both of you than if you just lead your sweetie to your normal bedroom.

3. Blow up an air mattress and put it in your back yard.  Use your iPod or burn a CD that has some romantic music and enjoy some star-gazing cuddled up together.  If you have a projector you might consider watching a movie on a sheet.

4. Buy some fruit (bananas, strawberries, apples, pineapple, raspberries...etc) or anything else that is fun to dip in chocolate and some of the fondue chocolate.  You can often find fondue chocolate in the produce section.  If you do not have a fondue set just buy some skewers and microwave the chocolate on low.  Make sure your fruit is washed and refrigerated prior to dipping.  This is a great activity by itself or in conjunction with something else.

 5. Write a romance story (fictional/fantasy) that revolves around something in your past (if you are married, try something from when you were dating).  For instance, if your boyfriend had to go away on some type of business trip write about the business trip and then toss in some fictional events.  Perhaps you followed him and...well, use your imagination!

1 comment:

  1. I really believe that after you are married, dating your spouse is more important then before you said "I do!" But after years of marriage the movies and some random sit down restaurant will not cut it. It's time to get creative...but isn't that the hardest part...I have often spent endless time thinking "what could I do that would awe her". This explains why wives often feel that their husbands are not romantic! It's not that they are not loved, you eventually run out of ideas and the creative juice...well they become stagnant. I will share with you one of my ideas that both I felt was rewarding to create, and my wife really seemed to enjoy.
    One of my most memorable dates, and I am already guilty of remembering if it was for Valentine's Day or our Anniversary as they are quite close.
    I created a story about her and I, before we met using fictional characters. I know this will seem especially cheesy but my story line was about a the fairest maiden in a small village and I was a world traveler, upon meeting this beautiful maiden...well I had to have her...obviously, as we met and had several events each stopped with several options she must choose...her very own 'choose your own adventure story' about how we could have met. My wife really seemed to like it. Each adventure she could choose seemed to be part of the story, but each had an imbedded secret code to me, which activity to do next. For instance, she could 1. "Sail the Ocean with me" (this meant we would eat at Red Lobster), 2. "Go Horse Back Riding" (This meant we would eat at Outback Steakhouse) or 3. "Relax on a Gondola Tour" (This meant we would eat at Olive Garden)
    So you see after each activity I would read another part of the story ending with 3 options...she choose the adventures...she just didn't know what was in store for her! It was fun for me as well, since I too had no idea where the night would lead. Plus I had the enjoyment of sharing through my fictional story how much I love her, I was able to compliment her and share with her through my character what I saw every morning when I woke up next to her.
