Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Proposal

When my husband asked me to marry him I was a little disappointed simply because he had always been so creative.  However, I didn't really think he would actually go through the motions and even ask me since it had already been established that we were going to get married.  In fact, I had purchased his ring before he purchased mine.  So I was thrilled that he asked me at all.

The night was pretty cold, it was Dec. 1st and there were no clouds in the sky so the stars were shining brightly.  He took me to a place that had beautiful landscaping and we sat together on a bench.  I could tell that he was nervous about something (which boggles my mind since we both already knew that we were going to tie the knot!) but he wouldn't admit to anything.  Then after a while he knelt down and asked me to marry him.  His words were sweet and I will always remember that day fondly.  

There have been so many creative proposals and I always love to hear them.  The time and effort that some people put into this event can really get the imagination going.

Please share yours!!!
In the comments section below please post your special night so that others can be inspired.


  1. My brother in law had a cute idea. He took his girlfriend to Olive Garden. They have little chocolates there for after the meal (I think they are usually Andes mints). My brother in law took some Dove chocolates and put the message inside. I thought that was pretty cool.

  2. My husband totally surprised me when he proposed! He called me in the morning & told me we were going on a date that night (it was a Friday) I was hoping he would propose, but when He told me that we were doing a double date with his sister and her hubby those hopes vanished. He said "we're going to a nice restaurant so dress up a bit." He also told me that he had to work late & that his sister would pick me up. When the time came his sister picked me up & we headed out. 1/2 way there, she said "OH SHOOT!! I forgot my wallet!" She asked me if I minded running back to her apartment to grab it really quick. Of course I said No problem. When we got there she said... "would you mind running up & just grabbing it? The door's not locked and it should be right there on my counter!" I ran up as fast as I could, after all I didn't want to make us late. As soon as I opened the door I realized something was off. I saw candles lit everywhere, tea lights lit on the floor in a path covered with roses that led to some mistletoe toe. It was December 13th (Friday the 13th). I turned to leave because I stupidly thought I wasn't supposed to see it yet... I looked around for her wallet, but I realized I was staying when I saw his sister speed off without me lol! The realization set in & I closed the door and looked for him. He had made a wonderful dinner that was sitting on the table, we ate a romantic candle-lit dinner and then he nervously led me under the mistletoe toe where he proposed. All the while he had my favorite soundtrack playing "somewhere in time." It was very romantic, and very creative and I will never forget it. After 9 years of marriage he continues to surprise me in these ways and it is wonderful!! :)

  3. Here is a super cool proposal...I can only imagine what was going through her head!

  4. My husband was really good at magic tricks and had been doing many card and coin tricks for me while we were dating. We both knew we wanted to get married, but he had just gotten a new job and didn't have money for a ring. Wanting not to wait too long to get engaged I had suggested that the ring could be any old thing--I didn't care if the gem was a real diamond or not. One morning I went to the institute building as usual before class and they had gigantic muffins there that day so I grabbed a blueberry one and looked around for Jamie. I found him playing the piano in the chapel where we had met and went up to talk with him. He asked me if I wanted to see his latest magic trick and I agreed. The trick was done with the piano bench as the table, which put him in a kneeling position already. After a few sleight of hand moves he asked me how many coins I thought were in his hand. It had looked as though there would be 3 coins, but having experienced his magic tricks before, I guessed 0. He opened his hand and it took me several seconds to register that there was a ring in it. He asked me if I would be his wife for eternity and I said yes. He then added with obvious pride that the diamond was real. We were married three months later and have been married now for thirteen years.
